Course Description

The purpose of this module is to upgrade your EU knowledge so that you have an integrated understanding of REACH and CLP. 

During this module you will also gain some insight into the complexities of the position of Northern Ireland post-Brexit. 

Course Content

  • Background to regulatory change in GB/UK following Brexit. 
  • Geographical scope of GB CLP & UK REACH. 
  • Complexities of current situation for Northern Ireland. 
  • Key components of GB CLP. 
  • Key regulatory differences and similarities between EU and GB/UK. 
  • Relevant competent authorities for GB CLP & UK REACH. 
  • GB Mandatory Classification List vs EU Harmonised Classification List. 
  • GB Notification Database vs EU Notifications on Inventory. 
  • Substance classification process under GB CLP vs EU CLP. 
  • Labelling and packaging requirements under GB CLP vs EU CLP. 
  • Safety data sheet content and format requirements under UK REACH vs EU REACH. 
  • Application of Poison Centre Notifications under GB CLP vs EU CLP. 

Self tests throughout.